Contact Us
Let There Be Light

Armed with a wealth of experience built through years of studies, research, experiments, product testing and hands-on project involvement, the firm has confidently taken on projects of all sizes and ambitions.

Illuminating Ideas (Concept Visualisation)

We amassed a vast amount of experience working with architects and project developers, providing them with lighting advice and conceptual lighting ideas to truly bring their projects to life.

Materials and products

Our approach to lighting is similar to how an artist approaches their work - with a fiery passion, a keen eye for detail, creating beauty in its finest form.

Working with Light

We painstakingly handpick and select only the best, most suitable hands to work with when it comes to the execution of our vision.

[ our benefits ]

Our Interior and Exterior Services

The basic philosophy of our studio is to create individual, aesthetically stunning solutions for our customers by lightning-fast development of projects employing unique styles.

Interior Design

Original design project of high quality raises profit – this is proved practice customers.

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Exterior Design

Original design project of high quality raises profit – this is proved practice customers.

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Certified high-class specialists.

Experience & Skills

Certified high-class specialists.

Customer Focus

Certified high-class specialists.


What Can We Offer

Design & Planning

We will help you to get the result you dreamed of.

Custom Solutions

Individual, aesthetically stunning solutions for customers.

Furniture & Decor

We create and produce our product design lines.

[ main principes ]

A Sketch of Each Detail

Apartment Design

We’re committed to building sustainable and high-quality Java solutions.

Office Design

We’re committed to building sustainable and high-quality Java solutions.

Shop Design

We’re committed to building sustainable and high-quality Java solutions.

House Design

We’re committed to building sustainable and high-quality Java solutions.







[ features ]

Our Philosophy in Simply and Quality Design

  • Best Office Interior Design in New York,, 2018
  • Between tradition and innovation, Dutch Design Week, 2017
  • CUBE project, Best Home Design List in Germany, 2015
  • International Industrial Design Award, 2015
  • Between tradition and innovation, Dutch Design Week, 2019
  • Best Office Interior Design in New York,, 2018
  • International Industrial Design Award, 2015
  • CUBE project, Best Home Design List in Germany, 2013
  • Beginning Our Services, 2006
  • Offering More Services, 2008
  • Opening Our First Branch Office, 2009
  • Expansion and Transformations, 2011
[ how it works ]

Process Flow

Project Briefing

Before we embark on a project, we’ll need to understand the client’s objectives and expectations. A discussion is needed to determine the lighting parameters, standards, and clear up any assumptions regarding the project.


During this stage of the project, we study and examine the project space as much as possible to understand the purpose of each location, and to identify its lighting requirement.

Conceptual Proposal

To help our clients understand our lighting concept and advice, we’ll draw up a perspective view of our proposal to visually present the lighting view.

Lighting Simulation

A simulation report is then generated to provide the client with an accurate lighting plan, complete with technical lighting parameters and to verify lighting calculations.

Lighting Control System

We’ll have a discussion with the client to determine the lighting control system needed.

Product & Commercial Proposal

A suitable luminaire and control system is then drawn up and proposed based on the overall project budget and requirements.

Installation Method

Once everything is confirmed, we will proceed to provide installation service, inspection, or installation consultancy, depending on the requirements.

Testing & Commissioning

After the installation process is completed, we will program the settings of the lighting control systems and ensure everything is in order before handing over control of the equipment to the client.


A final lamp schedule is provided to the client upon request.